Wool Felts
In stock materials ready to custom cut to any shape or size with or without adhesive.
Wool Felts have a broad range of functions such as industrial gasketing, anti-rattle pads, exhibit crate lining, and shock absorbers for appliances. Available with or without pressure sensitive adhesives.

100% Wool Felts
Thicknesses Available:
3mm - 25mm
Tensile Strength:
500 PSI
Naturally Flame Resistant
100% Wool Felt Colors

Pressed Wool Felt (F-Series)
Thicknesses Available:
.063” - 1”
Tensile Strength:
1000 ±20%
Mass Per Unit Area (GSM):
1500gsm ±10%

Wool Felt Applications
• Gaskets & Seals
• Sound Reduction
• Weather Stripping
• Insulation
• BSR (Buzz, Squeak, Rattle)
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