Premium grade, high-pressure gasket material designed for high-temperature alkaline media and superheated steam.

KLINGERSIL C-4500is manufactured with carbon fibers and special heat-resistant additives reinforced with a nitrile binder. Equivalent to Garlock 9850/9900 (NBR) and 9800 (SBR).
Pressure/temperature graphs for determining the suitability of a gasket material in a known environment. However, chemical compatibility must also be considered.

In area 1 the gasket material is suitable using common installment practices subject to chemical compatibility.
In area 2 appropriate measures are necessary for installation of the gasket to ensure maximum performance.
In area 3 do not install gaskets in these applications without research and support.
The ability of a gasket to make and maintain a seal depends not only on the style and quality of the gasket material, but also on medium being sealed, the flange design, the amount of pressure applied to the gasket by bolts, and how the gasket is assembled onto the flanges and tightened. These factors are beyond the manufacturer’s control.